Looking at Properties Out of Your Budget: A Very Bad Idea

When looking for a property, it’s common to see ads for the perfect house… Above our budget.


It may be tempting to succumb to this temptation and broaden your search field, but in my experience as a real estate broker, this is not a good idea.


If you’re looking at homes for sale on Centris just for fun, this can be a good way to narrow down your preferences, but if you’re actively looking for a home, looking at overpriced properties is the worst thing you can do.


This bad habit could discourage you and cost you time and money. Before you start looking on Centris, it’s essential to determine which mortgage you can qualify for and get pre-qualified to determine your budget. Once prequalification is in hand, it is advisable to filter the ads by selecting a maximum price that does not exceed your budget. It is important to limit yourself to properties that you can afford to adjust your expectations to reality.


As a real estate broker, I am here to help you understand the reality of the market through my expertise. It is important to ask the right questions to find a property that meets your needs and your budget. Establishing the right budget and search criteria will allow you to fall in love with a property that suits you and that you can buy. There’s no point in going out of your way to shop outside of your budget.

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